David A. Schilling, founder of Schilling Graphics in Galion Ohio passed away Wednesday, March 20, 2019 at home surrounded by his family. He was 86.
Dave established Schilling’s Advertising in 1963 with a focus on local screen-printing companies. With the growth of this new business venture, Dave became a pioneer in the new and evolving auto-glass decorating market. In 1974, Schilling Advertising moved into its first and current headquarters in Galion, Ohio. With the continued growth of industrial screen printing, the company changed its name to Schilling Graphics and became one of the leading suppliers to the industry.
Dave transitioned the company in 1993 to his son Doug who currently heads up Schilling Inc., formerly Schilling Graphics. Today, the company Dave started in his basement a half century ago now operates four sites across the country and is known for providing cutting edge solutions for printing, decorating, and digital printing technologies to companies throughout North America.
A life-long resident of Galion, Ohio before retiring to Florida, Dave generously gave of his time and resources to help build stronger communities in the region. After graduating from Lancaster High School, he went on to receive a Bachelor’s Degree in Fine Arts from Wittenberg University, and a Teaching Certificate from Bowling Green State University. He taught art in the Ada and Colonel Crawford school systems until 1968. Prior to leaving teaching, in 1963, Dave founded Schilling Graphics and retired in 1993. Dave is a member of Trinity Lutheran Church in Crestline. He served as Church Council President at First Lutheran Church in Galion. He also served various organizations to include: Galion City School Board, Fairview Cemetery Association Board, Specialty Graphic Imaging Association, Galion Kiwanis Club, Wittenberg University Board of Directors.
Dave was also a family man and dedicated father. His positive attitude, ability to build lasting relationships and his willingness to mentor others were some of his most outstanding qualities, says his colleagues.
Phil Shirley, Artwork Services Manager who has been with the company for over thirty-two years remembers… “Dave was a very personable individual to work for. He took lot of interest in his employees and always made an effort to know his people and their families. He will be missed as a good former boss but more so as a great person…”
Dave is survived by his wife, Ann and their five children, Douglas M. Schilling, Gregory D. Schilling, Tamara S. Winn, Lynn Keator, and Harold “Hank” Jones.